Home Wellness Mind, Body, Spirit

Mind, Body, Spirit

Turn Your MIlitary Stress into Strength - Military Family Life

Turn Your Military Life Stress into Strength

Military families are no strangers to stress. Last-minute orders, unexpected deployments, and school transitions loom as major stressors, but daily tasks can compound into huge, overwhelming knots too. Financial struggles, geographic isolation from family...

Navigating the Emotions and Choices of Change: 3 Positive Strategies

There’s no right or wrong way to deal with change; the important thing is to deal with it, says Army wife and author Judy Davis. She says when dealing with life changes it’s essential...

Take a Deep Breath and Exhale Stress

Military life can be breathtaking in more ways than one. When the circumstances of a move, or deployment, or even a day at work take an unexpected turn, the result is often anxiety and...

Rest Well: 5 Paths to Better Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the greatest challenges for both spouses and parents of deployed service members. “At night in bed is when it hits me most that he’s not here safe...